This year, the Indiana YSN group is hosting a monthly discussion topic geared towards those new or entry level to the profession. This is not limited to SITs or PSs, but is also focused on technicians and field crews as well. Speakers and topics are primarily focused towards Indiana, but all are welcome to join!
This month, we will be having a brief YSN meeting at 6PM Eastern Time followed up by a presentation from Jacob Heck (NSPS Young Surveyors Secretary and NGS Great Lakes Regional Geodetic Advisor) at 630PM Eastern. Jacob will be sharing how the NSRS modernization impacts you, what it means for coordinates to be time dependent, and why GPS on Bench Marks is such an important part of the modernization process. After Jacob is finished, there will be time to have an open floor discussion to ask questions or toss in your own input.
Register in advance for this meeting: